Saturday, 26 February 2011

Coming Back?

It’s been an unbelievably frustrating month with injury meaning my last proper run was on the 1st February. This time of year is normally so good for a runner. The worst of the winter is passed and spring is not far away. These are days of running without snow, with the blackbirds singing in the tree tops and the only slippy sliding is caused by mud instead of ice.
For me though it’s been a time of feeling down watching other runners and wondering if I’ll ever get back into it again. Amanda, my physio has been urging rest, rest, rest and I have been resting with just the occasional little try out to see if the pain comes back. So far without fail, every time the pain comes back, often after a mile or so and sometimes after only half a mile
Today though it was different, I know walking doesn’t seem to aggravate my leg so I thought I’ll take Moss the dog for a walk up Kinpauch Hill, a nice little top across the road from Blackford that gives a 6m 1100” circuit. I had a brief debate with myself about footwear and the devil in me said go with the fell shoes not the boots.
Of we went and I set a brisk 4mph walking pace to get the breathing going. Hey, I thought, this feels pretty good I could even do the WHW sub 24hr going no faster than this. I felt great forcing the pace up the front of Kinpauch.
On reaching the top I had no pain whatsoever, so, thought I, I wonder what would happen if I broke into a trot? Well nothing happened except I went faster as I jogged toward the boundary fence at the back of Kinpauch. So down the track I went sort of jog/walking to minimise shock to the knee and still no problems.
The last couple of miles are an easy gradient on soft grass and mossy track centre so I jogged the whole of this back down to the road. Amazingly still no problems as I jogged into the village.
So here I’m sitting post run (did I say run) feeling bloody marvellous. I’ve plastered my knee in Deep Freeze to ward of any evils and my knee feels fine.
If Amanda reads this she’ll no doubt be frowning on her rash and impetuous client but I just couldn’t help myself. I’ll be seeing her tomorrow and I’ll get her to give it a thorough appraisal and tell her about my experience today but it really, really feels like I’m coming back.

Friday, 11 February 2011


It’ so frustrating is this injury lark. I’ve not had a proper run now for 10 days. The knee feels a lot better now but it’s still not right. A couple of days ago I tried a run but only got 100 yards and had to pull up with the calf feeling sore. Today I tried again and this time got a mile and a half before the knee made itself felt again forcing me to walk home.
I suppose I’m lucky in a way as this is the first real problem in years but I don’t feel lucky. I’m seeing my yearly average slipping downwards. I’m feeling a bit like when you have a bad cold and you can’t imagine ever feeling better. Illogical as I know I will get better. With the leg problem having dragged on so long I so want it to be alright again. Surely it will soon be and I can get some miles in.
What a strange week at work. It never fails to amaze me that a public company can happily arrange for a colleague and me to turn up on site only for the operator not to turn up to let us in. Thus they end up paying my company £1200 just for the two of us to turn up and eat our sandwiches outside the gate.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Woes and Strifes

There are a couple of things really sickening me off right now, one of them is work and the other is knee trouble.
As far as work is concerned I can’t believe how shabbily we engineers have been treated by the directors. It’s no secret the company’s been right up it financially for a couple of years now but last year it came to light the financial director had been deducting money from our wages for pension contributions but not paying it into our funds and propping the company up instead.
As you would imagine we were furious when we found out. The bloke was very lucky nobody called the police in. Anyway, we’ve now found out he’s been doing it again and the pension fund is several months in arrears. Fortunately we have an investment angel on the scene now so I know the pension will get sorted.
The trouble is the company is for me now tainted and it’s such a shame. I absolutely love the work and I love the people I work with but I’m sick of false promises and subterfuge. So as much as I will be saddened I think me and the company are going to have to part ways. I mean, how can I ever trust them again?
I think I’m going to be a regular viewer of S1Jobs over the coming months but I’ve made myself a promise,  that in six months either things here at my company will be all tickettyboo or I’ll be employed by someone else.
On the running front there’s pain here too. I’ve had a problematic left knee since a sprain back in November.  It doesn’t affect me when I’m actually running but when I’m sitting down relaxing it stiffens up and can get very sore. I had thought it was fading away but I did a hilly 12 miler yesterday and today it is not good at all. Whenever I get up I have to stand there for a minute or so stretching the leg out straight so I can walk properly on it.
Looks like a trip to the physio is on the cards and see if she can lock this stable door having first captured the bolting horse. Hey ho we’ll see.